Experimental Test Rig

Experimental Test Rig

Experimental data has been acquired on a 2.5 m diameter rotor rig, the same diameter as that found on a Bergey Excel 1.  The wind tunnel is located at the University of Waterloo in Canada.  Extensive testing in  November 2016  indicated that our duct will more than double the power output of a commercial open rotor turbine of the same diameter. Test photos can be clicked on below. 

The measured data is shown in the plot below. The solid circles represent experimental data taken on the 2.5 m diameter rotor test rig without the duct. The open circles are the unit data with the duct added. The data ends at 9 m/s because the 1.8 kW test rig was producing in excess of 1900 W at that speed and we did not want to ruin the generator. The solid triangles represent the published power curve of the 2.5 m rotor Bergey Excel 1, the same size as the experimental test unit. 

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